Saturday, January 26, 2013

What to Expect During My Hospital Stay

So, I know I just posted yesterday, but I had to add some things...

When Noelle and I were in the clinic on Wednesday, we had a visit with Rachael for a while between the two dozen blood samples and the bone marrow biopsy. We spent some time talking through my hospital stay for the transplant.

The first week, she said, isn't that bad. The chemo they'll give me on the first three days is an IV drip for a couple hours a day, and can give me some fatigue, but it shouldn't be awful. The transplant itself is pretty simple, as they just drip the stem cells into my central line as well.

Week two is typically the worst of the three (or four) weeks in the hospital. That's when sores will develop throughout my mouth, tongue, throat...basically my entire GI tract. Fun. People find it really hard to eat, as you might imagine. They'll help me through it as well as they can, but if I can't get things like yogurt, soup or ice cream down, then they'll have to "feed" me some calories via IV. Also in week two, I'll be needing blood transfusions. My body will have basically NO immunities, so they'll have to give me someone else's blood to help with that. Also, I'm guessing I'll get a few IVIG infusions (see the 2nd half of my post from Friday Dec 28th) to further bolster my immunities until my body starts doing its part again.

Two to three weeks after the high-dose chemo, my hair will begin to fall out. Yes, I've avoided it long enough. I'm gonna lose my hair. This is a no-doubt-about-it kind of thing, too. Everyone who gets this high-potency chemo drug loses their hair. OK. So what? At least I'll be through the coldest months of winter and the warmer temperatures of spring will be right around the corner. I think I'll be kinda sexy when I'm bald. We'll see what Noelle thinks.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Oh! I almost forgot. the influenza test came back negative. I did have a rough night last night, though. At one point, my fever registered at 104 degrees. I think that's higher than it's ever been in my life, though you'd have to confirm that with my mother. Gratefully, I received a priesthood blessing and as the word went out, several people who are already among the angels in human form who pray for me and my family regularly were able to pray specific to my needs at the time. In less than 3 hours, my temperature went from 103.5 to 99.8. It's been under control this morning, too. Here's hoping it continues that way.

1 comment:

  1. John, my friend, I continually worry and pray for you. Thanks for updating via blog (I'm going on a FB hiatus for a while so I'll check in with you here). I don't know how you make it through each day. You are amazing, backed up by amazing family and friends. Take care!
